Our Services

Higher Learning Starts Here!


Whether your child is struggling in a particular subject area, has an IEP, or needs an extra push to maintain good grades, Success Stories Learning Center provides a personal tutoring experience that targets their academic needs. We are aligned with the NYS Common Core standards, and use up- to-date teaching methods and strategies during instruction.
In addition to forming a solid foundation for future academic achievement and creative expression, our comprehensive tutoring program also promotes social skills and healthy interpersonal relationships, which assists students as they integrate into their educational journey and beyond. Weekly customized tutoring schedules are available, including Saturdays.

Test prep

You have persevered through several years of schooling, and now you need to market yourself to the best high schools, colleges and universities. Success Stories Learning Center is your answer to help address these academic challenges. Whether you are attempting to enter independent, private, or specialized high schools, or looking to get into the best colleges or universities, we are here to help you every step of the way. Through intensive evaluations targeting areas of improvement, along with learning the best techniques to take standardized tests, your scores will improve dramatically. Our intensive test prep program addresses verbals, reading comprehension, essay writing, critical and logical reasoning problems, and higher-level complex mathematical concepts to ensure that your scholar is adequately prepared to take these examinations. No stone is left unturned.
Here at Success Stories Learning Center, we create an individualized plan for each student which, maps out their trajectory for academic growth. The supportive services of SSLC translates into getting accepted into the best high schools or colleges, as well as possible scholarship offers.

After-School (K-8th)

Our highly acclaimed After-School Tutoring Program is a great way to keep your scholar on the track to success! Our After-School Tutoring Program involves a culmination of common core test preparation, reading & writing instruction, and supplemental tutoring. We also provide daily homework assistance tailored to each student’s academic agenda. For students who struggle with fluency, we provide personal reading coaches that assist scholars in developing their reading proficiency. Students enrolled in our After-School Tutoring Program have gone on to attend the best middle schools and high schools that NYC has to offer!

Summer Programs

During the Summer, we offer several different intensive programs for learners of all age groups. Our programs range from 3-9 weeks and can be customized to fit your scholar’s schedule. Covering an array of subjects using our own highly effective curriculums, our summer programs effectively prepare scholars for their upcoming school year.
Summer Programs:
Elementary and Middle school: Common Core Intensives (Math, English, Science and more)
High school: SAT, ACT and NYS Regents Intensives
Adult learners: GED/TASC Intensives

College Level Instruction

We know how challenging college courses can be. Let us help you make it an enjoyable experience! We offer college level tutoring in many subject areas. Do you understand genetics and evolution in Biology? Do you need help with writing that major research paper? Here at Success Stories Learning Center, we can explain these concepts and assist with papers that have plagued college students for years. We can make college-level Calculus easier by walking you through derivatives and integrals. We can make learning Chemistry stress-free by explaining titrations and other chemical reactions. These are just some of the many courses and topics that we can get college-level students comfortable with. SSLC can make the work straightforward and effortless. We provide a personalized experience to students who are looking to improve and maintain a stellar G.P.A.